Master the Max Brödel carbon dust technique
Ghent Belgium 25th May 2024
Ghent Belgium 25th May 2024
adres: Gent, Belgie ( adres gegevens bij registratie op pascale(at)
van 10:00 tot 16:00 50 euro , materialen inbegrepen.plaatsen beperkt tot 10 pers materials included , limited places available, om je plaats te reserveren schrijf je in rechts je plaats is gegarandeerd na bewijs betaling op rek nummer to register please fill in the form on the right your place will be guaranteed on receipt of payment meer info ? stuur een email op pascale(at) Green-Pollier Pascale KBC : IBAN BE16 7330 3375 0774 BIC KREDBEBB |
after registration I will send you a mail with further details , ie address a carbon dust starters pack will be provided and is included in the price.
• We will be working with carbon pigments, being black in nature, we recommend you wear clothing you don’t mind getting dirty ! Bring an apron with you if you wish. • materials will be provided but you can bring ring your own paintbrushes, for work in either dry powder or water. Bring your spare brushes, its recommended not your favorite best sable brushes unless you are happy to allocate one or two brushes for your carbon work. • You will each be able to try different techniques on different surfaces. Cartridge and water colour paper will be supplied for practice. You are welcome to bring your own papers, pads or boards with you if you wish . – Introduction to carbon • An introduction to carbon materials – working with pencils, dust and blocks • You will each be able to try different materials and techniques Carbon project • You will each be able to work on one key artwork piece in carbon dust on claybord - a claybord will be supplied. • You may bring a project or image with you that you wish to work on, or there will be some bones, plants and a few animal specimen from which to work from. |