fututre exhibitions
Anatomy & Beyond
curator and artist
Anatomy & Beyond Exhibition London
Exhibition dates; 3 October 2024 – 16 Dec 2024
The Old Operating Theatre Museum and Herb Garret
9a St Thomas St, London SE1 9RY
curator and artist
Anatomy& Beyond, Anatomy Museum, Riga Latvia
curator and artist
25 August 2021
A butterfly Scream
a collaboration between PAK, platform voor actuele kunsten and the Museum Dr. Guislain.
PC Sint-Amandus Beernem Belgium
October 2021
previous exhibitions
201816/06 - 15/07
Behind Closed Doors
PAK Gistel
Faces 10/03/ 2018 TOT 26/04/ 2018
a collaboration between PAK, platform voor actuele kunsten and the Museum Dr. Guislain.
PC Sint-Amandus Beernem Belgium
PAK, platform voor actuele kunsten
Kunst Project Brakel10/03-18/03/2018
St. Sebastiaanskerk en Café St. Sebastiaan Belgium
- 2017
Modelling the Flesh
the Crypt at the Gordon Museum in London
SSSB exhibition at Conference 24th - 26th March 2017
A joint conference by the Department of Archaeology and the Centre for Learning Anatomical Sciences
(CLAS) at the University of Southampton.
- 2016
Gaze into the Dark Psyche of Modern Life at Modern Panic Exhibition
6/10/- 14/10/2016
Bethnal Green , London
kunstenfestival Watou 2016
The strength of empathy
(…on identity, diversity and empathy)
Poperinge Belgium
Death, Art & Anatomy Conference (3-6 June 2016)
Key note speaker, exhibition and showing of the film Fabrica Vitae
University of Winchester
SO22 4NR
Art:Science:Life 13 February - 29 May 2016
Ipswich Art School Gallery,
1 Upper High Street, Ipswich, IP1 3QH
- 2015
Fabrica Vitae goes Post Mortem
Post Mortem exhibition
16 Oct till 20 Dec 2015
UGent, Rommelaere Instituut,
Jozef Kluyskensstraat 29, Gent
KASK, Cirque,
Louis Pasteurlaan 2, Gent, Belgium
showing of Film Fabrica Vitae in Astana, Kazachstan Sept- 0ct 2015
Community Hospital Group Exhibition
1086 YuYuan RD Shanghai 5th September - 10th October 2015
Riga, Latvia, Stradins museum March-31/May 2015
Fabrica Vitae at The Pius Library Saint Louis 25-28Feb 2015
Fabrica Vitae at the Emory University Atlanta March 1-5 2015
Unconventional Beauty Exhibition with Chantal Pollier 14-15/03/2015
Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience Maastricht University
Maastricht Brain Imaging centre M-BIC
Oxfordlaan 55, 6229 ER Maastricht (NL)
Fabrica Vitae
Athens, Greece: Andreas Syggros Museum Dec 17 2014- Jan 17 2015
- 2014
Fabrica Vitae
sept 2014 - 2016
opening at Zakynthos Greece
The body is the instrument of the soul
The Old Operating Theatre , London24 April 2014 - 23rd May 2014.
Material world II; Human condition
Thursday, April 17-22 April 2014
Espacio Gallery
159 Bethnal Green Road, E2 7DG London, United Kingdom
@ Truman Brewery Space 25 , London
6-11 March 2014
Encyclopedia Galactica
Group Show, 13Feb -17 April 2014
Curated by Sophia Kosmaoglou and Frances Sampayo,
with the support of Robert Devcic, Jasia Reichardt and Nick Wadley.
GV Art Gallery, London
The Gordon museum
London, Nov-Dec 2013
Department of Anatomy & Human Sciences
and the Gordon Museum Art Exhibition 2013
Nesta showcase
London Nov 2013-March 2014
1 Plough Place, London, EC4A 1DE
Nearest tube: Chancery Lane
- 2013
War and Trauma at the Guislain museum_, Ghent Belgium
Nov 2013-2014
01/11/2013 - 30/06/2014
In cooperation with In Flanders Fields Museum, Ypres
GV Art
Me, You or the Other Person | Group Show | 4 April to 18 May 2013
49 Chiltern Street London W1U 6LY
Histories of thought
St Baafs Abdij Gent - 20 April to 9 June 2013 Belgium
cultureel centrum Herentals, Belgium
van de koele meren des Doods
12 Jan-03 Feb 2013
- 2012
lumini Presents Dickensian Hauntings
The Basement Shoreditch Town Hall, London (UK)
Thu, 27th September 2012 - Thu, 4th October 2012
scientific art 2: NON & DIGITAL: SCIENCE ART 2
September 22-26, 2012
The Central House of Artists in Moscow in the Moscow Art Week,
119049, Moscow, Krymskiy val, 10
PHARMACOPOEIA the art of popping pills
Medical Art Meeting and Exhibition GDA2012
September 13th - 15th, 2012
University of Antwerp, Campus Drie Eiken
Universiteitsplein 1 - 2610 Antwerpen
Multi SOLO: The far future is nature
12 july till 2 september 2012
Stroinksbleekweg 16
7523 ZL Enschede
The Netherlands
- 2011
The Pathos of Pathology
16 Nov Grauwzusters Antwerpen, Belgium
16 Nov-23 dec 2011
Van De Koele Meren Des Doods :
09 October- 4 Dec 2011
Sint-Bernardusabdij , Bornem, Belgium
Letting Go
St Amanduschapel,
St. Amandsberg
(Ghent) - Belgium
Opening 7th of oct. 2011
Exhibition runs from 7 till 23 oct, weekends from 13u till 18u.
“not until we’ve beaten cancer”
15 september - 17 september 2011
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Relics of what is to come :
July 28th till 28th Aug.
The old operating Theatre Museum,
9a St. Thomas St, SE1 9RY London, United Kingdom
4 December 2010 - 26 February 2011
- 2010
Picturing Science exhibition
Riverside Gallery,Old Town Hall, Whittaker Avenue
Richmond, London, TW9 1JP
15-18 Oct 2010
Art researches Science (curator)
Studio Herman Teirlinck, Antwerp - Belgium
16-18 Sept 2010
Obesitas and related pathology
University of Antwerp- Belgium
5/03-04/04 2010
- 2009
visual thoughts/ zichtbare gedachten
cultural centre, Geel, Belgium
16-21 March 2009
The art of medicine
The British institute of Radiology- London
May 2009
- 2005
The Morbid Anatomy cabinet: Gallery as Wunderkammer
The Morbid Anatomy Cabinet, Barristers Gallery, New Orleans, USA
3rd August-22 December 2005
"Drawn from Life"
The Huntarian museum at The Royal College of London
- 2004
Solo exhibition
16-30 October –2004
"Androgyn dualism"
Geraardsbergen- Belgium
16th April-30 May 2004
"Instruments of pain and hope"
Brakel- Belgium
Associations and membership
President BIOMAB vzw ( biological and medical art Belgium)
2010 founder of international collaborations
'Art Researches Science’
Antwerp, Dundee, London, New York, Strasbourg
President AEIMS
(Association Europeenes des Illustrateurs Medicaux et Scientifiques )
member MAA (Medical artists Association of Great Britain)
RMIP ( registered Medical illustration practitioner)
Artiesten palmen zelfs kelder van Studio Herman Teirlinck in
Gazet Van Antwerpen - Antwerpen, Artiesten en deejays palmendit weekeind alle zalen engangen van de gewezenStudio Herman Teirlinck in.Meteen een gelegenheidom het eindeloze gebouw teverkennen.‘Pop up art space’ is een initiatiefvan Villanella, dat deze zomer …
BIOMAB interview ATV
2009: Film: “Art researches Science”
produced by BIOMAB ( Pascale Pollier-Green, Francis van Glabbeek, Ann Van de Velde)
film by een andere wereld films ( Sofie Hanegreefs and Jelle Jansens)
Oct 2007 co-organizer of the AEIMS conference ; Confronting mortality with art and Science
virtual exhibition
2007 Author of the Book
Confronting Mortality with Art and Science" Scientific and Artistic Impressions on What the Certainty of Death Says about Life (ISBN: 9789054874430).
Film: co-director and co-author “art: science = science x art”
produced by BIOMAB ( Pascale Pollier-Green, Francis van Glabbeek, Ann Van de Velde)
film by een andere wereld films ( Sofie Hanegreefs)
Film: “is the brain the most sexy part of the body”
2007 | film (HDV), 15"
with: Professor Edward O. Wilson & Jan Fabre
composer: Charo Calvo
location: Harvard University, Boston U.S.A
camera, sound and montage: Sofie Hanegreefs, Gosie Vervloessem
production: Pascale Pollier, Ann Van de Velde, Chantal Pollier, Björn Geldhof
Produced by: Angelos bvba (Antwerpen), Jan Fabre, Pascale Pollier-Green, Ann Van de Velde, Chantal Pollier
Artist Statement:
Pascale’s work attempts to capture the point where art and science meld. An alchemist at heart, her work begins with observation and experimentation, and is steeped in solid scientific research and findings.
Her inspiration is drawn from observing the internal and external human body in all its diversity, life and nature in all its beauty, strength, fragility, disease, mortality, immortality and death. New technologies and philosophies, quantum physics, nanotechnology, animatronics are amongst her interest and are important in her work.
A Belgian National, Pascale studied fine art and Painting in St Lucas art school in Ghent, Belgium, before subsequent postgraduate training with the Medical Artists Association, London UK. She is past president and is co-founder of BIOMAB (Biological and Medical Art in Belgium) . With Biomab she’s curating and organising exhibitions, dissection drawing classes, collaborative art/science projects, symposiums and conferences. In May 2015 the non profit organisation ARSIC “Art Researches Science International Collaborations was founded. An international collective where Art and Science become entangled. This interdisciplinary association unites artists, scientists and those with a passion for the synergy between Art and Science, Technology and Philosophy.
ARSIC pursues several goals. Organising and curating SciArt exhibitions, conferences and collaborative projects, supporting the publication of articles, books and films. It provides the opportunity for artists and medical artists to visit labs and dissection rooms.
Pascale was an external examiner for the medical art course at The Centre for Anatomy & Human Identification, University of Dundee, and since January 2017 will be external examiner for the for the MA Art in Science course at John Moores University, Liverpool. Pascale is President of AEIMS (Association Europeenes des Illustrateurs Medicaux et Scientifiques). Pascale currently lives and works in London as a self-employed artist.
Pascale has worked in close collaboration with artists and scientists Jan Fabre, Stelarc, Berlinde de Bruyckere, Dino Valls, Helen Pynor, Nina Sellars, Susan Aldworth, Andrew Carnie, Eleanor Crook, Richard Neave, Caitlin Karolczac, Paulina Otylie Surys, Rachael Allan, Bryan Green …
film makers , Jelle Janssens, Sofie Hanegreefs ( Andere Wereld Films) Valentina Lari, Wil Mathijs (Elementric Films) , Richard Weston ( film instinct)
Scientists and academics
Edward O Wilson, Gunther von Hagens, Martin Kemp, Vivian Nutton , Stephen Joffe, Francis Wells, Roberta Ballestriera, Brian Hurwitz, Ruth Richardson, Peter Abrahams, , Marco Catani, Bernhard Moxham, Susan Standring, Mark Gardiner,Omer Steeno, Ann Van de Velde etc…
Collaborated with The Belgian Embassy and consulates worldwide
Together with Chancellor Theo Dirix she is searching for the grave of Andreas Vesalius , the quest started in 2010 when the idea arose to create a facial reconstruction of the skull of the 500 year old anatomist.
Belgian National 11/07/1967
Languages Dutch ( Flemish) , English, working knowledge of French and German.
1982-1985 St Lucas Academy of Art, Gent;(Belgium), Fine Art, Painting, Sculpture: I achieved a distinction.
1985-1987 The Royal Academy of Fine Arts Gent (Belgium), Painting, Fine Art.
1988-1991 Belgian Embassy (London), Receptionist and portrait painter.
June 1998-Winner of the Ronald Raven Barber's Award 98/99
1996-2003 MAA Course; postgraduate training course with the Medical Artists' Education Trust of Great Britain.
Pass with credit
2000 melanocyte sculpture at the joint Medical Artists/Medical Illustrators exhibition. The sculpture won the prize for "best entry" to the exhibition.at the MAA / IMI 2000 joint conference at Cambridge University
21 / 07 / 2001 Move to Belgium having lived in London (UK) since 1986
2001 First aid course; Helper
2001-2002 Medical Information + First aid at the Exhibition of Prof. Gunter Von Hagens' Koerperwelten (Body-worlds) Brussels.
2002 - 2002 Art-Project for Physical-and Mentally handicapped people(Handicum)
February 2003- VZW kunstwerkt - art teacher-art projects
2003 - art-courses in schools, ateliers ,
2003-2005 MMG Medische Middelen Groothandel/Medical wholesale company, working as a medical artist, illustrating an on-line encyclopedia
2006-2009 self employed artist, artem-medicalis
April 2009 completed facial reconstruction course,
Academy of fine arts Maastricht, the netherlands
Nov 2009- 2014 external examiner for the medical art course
Centre for Anatomy & Human Identification
College of Life Sciences
MSI/WTB Complex
University of Dundee
2009- nov 2011working as an artist via SMART
2011- 20... self employed artist , artem-medicalis
2015-2020 External examiner for the MA Art in Science Liverpool john Moores university